Personal service for every guest
Business travel or relocation can be stressful, and we’re here to help. When you stay with Paragon, you can rely on a single point of contact to guide you through the entirety of your stay. Our guest services teams are local experts. Looking for restaurant or coffee shop recommendations? We’ve got you covered.
Just pack your clothes
Our kitchens are fully equipped with essential cookware, a washer and dryer are included in each apartment, and all utilities are covered. Enjoy wi-fi, flat screens with streaming capability, and access to community fitness and recreational amenities. If desired, upgrade your stay to include bi-weekly housekeeping services.
Live like you're home
Search through our apartments to find the right community for you. Just tell us when and where you need to go, we’ll take care of the rest. Once you've arrived, enjoy more space, comfort, and privacy than any ordinary hotel with the personal attention you deserve.
Words from our guests
Custom Comfort
We make comfort custom to you. If you need more than our listed standard furnishings, just let us know. Whether requesting twin beds, dog bed, crib, rice cooker, or a desk, we will have it for you.